Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking with Essential Oils

Smoking is difficult to break. Nicotine addiction can be strong, and many people have a hard time going through withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit nicotine. How to quit smoking? One natural thing smokers may consider trying as part of their holistic approach to quitting smoking is the use of essential oils. Let’s investigate whether or not essential oils can help reduce nicotine cravings.

What Are Essential Oils?

Before we start diving into how to quit smoking and how essential oils can help, let’s briefly review what are essential oils. The term “essential oil” is often used to describe extracts from the seeds, flowers, and other parts of plants. These oils are highly concentrated substances that contain chemical constituents like limonene or eucalyptol. Some examples include lavender, peppermint, lemon balm, and tea tree oils.

Aromatherapy using essential oils has been in use for centuries—in fact, Hippocrates was using them as far back as 400 B.C., according to Britannica Online; but it wasn’t until 1998 that scientists discovered why essential oils might be helpful when trying to quit smoking: They may reduce nicotine cravings by stimulating olfaction receptors in the nose with their distinctive scents, so users don’t feel a need to light up.

In a small study, those who are addicted to cigarettes were given a whiff of peppermint oil every 45 minutes for six hours experienced significantly fewer cravings than those who weren’t treated with the essential oil. The researchers surmise that this is because nicotine stimulates olfactory receptors in the nose as well—in fact, it’s odorless, and many people can’t taste it at all without their sense of smell. This means that when we inhale something like peppermint or citrus oils, our brains might mistake these for cigarette smoke (or other smells from cigarettes), resulting in an overall reduction of nicotine addiction.

What Do Essential Oils Do?

Essential oils contain many different molecules that may have therapeutic properties. They work in a variety of ways, including acting as inhalants to open airways and prevent coughing or bronchitis; boosting the immune system by attacking pathogens; improving moods when inhaled from diffusers; decreasing headaches through aromatic therapy due to its analgesic qualities.

Essential oils may also help to reduce nicotine cravings. A study by D.A. Griswold and J.C. Smith of the University of Arkansas determined that inhalation of eucalyptus oil reduced experimentally-induced cigarette craving in smokers, but not for nonsmokers or those who had consumed a placebo in place of an essential oil blend containing sandalwood, lavender, peppermint, citronella and lemongrass oils during the exposure sessions (Griswold & Smith 1993). Researchers speculated that this might be the case due to the essential oils’ relaxation effects induced only among smokers experiencing high levels of arousal from their cigarettes at baseline combined with some measurable level of relief following inhalation.

How to Use Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for Cravings Relief?

Essential oils are a great natural alternative with how to quit smoking and getting relief from cravings. There’s no need for nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges when you can have these soothing scents that will calm your nerves and soothe those cravings. Direct inhalation of essential oils is the most effective way of using them. The vapor from the oil goes deep down into your lungs, where it interacts with body tissues that benefit different systems—the nervous system, respiratory system, immune system, and endocrine glandular systems. This means that essential oils do not just provide support in craving relief but provide an overall boost to your body!

My wife got me a maple wood inhaler with peppermint and black pepper oil. This little hippy thing seriously helped take the edge off as I quit dipping.



Essential Oil Inhaler Benefits for Nicotine Cravings Relief

If you are a smoker, learning how to quit smoking is not easy. It can be challenging to break the physical addiction and mental habit of smoking. Many people turn to nicotine replacement therapy or other pharmaceuticals in order to manage their cravings while gradually cutting back on cigarettes. However, there is a natural alternative that has been seen as an effective way for learning how to quit smoking: essential oil inhaler

Essential oils can help with the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine cravings.

Essential oils as a bonus help provide you with better mental clarity, reduced irritability, and frustration.

Essential oils have been used in ancient times for health treatments.

Essential oils are an alternative and safe way to reduce addiction to tobacco products.

Essential oils come from a multitude of plants and can be mixed with each other to create a new scent and increased benefits.

Essential oil inhaler can be taken and used ANYWHERE.

Essential oil inhaler helps with physical and social pressure addiction of cigarettes.

Key Essential Oil to Help with Nicotine Cravings

Black Pepper essential oil. Our customers rave about using this essential oil to help stop their unhealthy habit. This essential oil has been tested and researched with much positive results. Check out this research posted on the NIH library stating that Black Pepper essential oil helps reduce nicotine withdrawal (NIH White Paper).

To get started with your journey to quit smoking, take the same step our customers have and use black pepper essential oil. If you do, let us know! Your experience can help encourage another.

Things to Keep in Mind

Use common sense with essential oils. Start off with a small drop that has been diluted with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil). Increase the number of drops as you become more comfortable.

Some essential oils can have a warm sensation if applied to your skin. Remember to dilute essentials oils with coconut oil or olive oil to lessen the intensity of the essential oils.

Low-quality products will also produce low-quality results, so make sure you purchase high-grade stuff!

Oil + Bark are not doctors and this website is not a replacement for medical advice from doctors. Consult your physician for more information about the safety of essential oil usage in general, especially with regard to pregnancy and chronic illness (if possible).

Summary – How to Quit Smoking with an Aromatherapy Inhaler

I’m not going to lie, it is going to be a tough journey. However, the reward is worth the effort of being able to live a long and healthy life. Don’t take our word for it, check out what some of our customers have said.

Have you tried essential oils? What were your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!

My father in law was a smoker for 20 years, then a vaper for the last 10 years. This year he decided to quit and I immediately got him this oil inhaler and these two oils. At first he didn’t use it. But after a few months he weened himself off the nicotine and two weeks ago he stopped vaping entirely. He’s told me several times in the last few weeks how helpful having the inhaler is. Mostly for the physical sensation of having something in his hand.

I highly recommend Oil+Barks inhalers. If you’re trying to quit smoking or just using them as a new way to use oils I highly recommend this product to anyone.


I’ve been smoking 45 years. In February, I bought a new car and didn’t want to stink it up with cigarette smoke. I can’t vape because it makes me physically ill. My daughter in law did some research and she’s a strong believer in essential oils. She came across Oil+Bark and asked if I would try it. Of course I will! I’ll try anything once. She got me the beech inhaler and black pepper oil and I tried it the next day. I drove the hour and 15 minute drive to work using this product. I have to say, it works! The normal physical feelings that come with not smoking weren’t there. I wasn’t grumpy or agitated. I now use it twice a day, (to and from work) and I haven’t smoked in my new car. Sometimes I “forget” to smoke when I get home. I added some cinnamon essential oil because it gave me some flavor. I’ve recommended this to long time smokers and vapers and I will continue to recommend. Who knows, maybe I’ll stop all together! Another upside, if I have my grands in the car with me, I can still inhale because there’s nothing icky for them to breathe in! Thanks Oil+Bark!