Essential oils for first aid

How to Stop Bleeding Cuts – Top 3 Essential Oils

I remember when…

Growing up as a Florida kid in the summertime meant playing street football. I would always come home with cuts and scrapes on my knees, arms, and elbows. With each injury, my mom would immediately grab the tube of Neosporin and then apply the band-aid. This first aid training on how to treat a bleeding cut was in practice until I turned 33! It is amazing that what you teach and do with your children can be carried on for decades and even generations!

In 2018, that all changed with the introduction of essential oils. This revolutionized everything for our family, as we started our healthy living adventure. One of the main cabinets in our house that received an overhaul was the medicine cabinet. Some things remained and others were replaced with essential oils and other natural remedies.

Nowadays whenever there is a cut in our house the first thing we grab is an essential oil bottle. Depending on the situation, different oils are used accordingly. However, we have a shortlist of oils that we use, and below are our TOP 3 Essential Oils to stop a bleeding cut and treat the wound. 

But first, let’s get through some of the legal jargon, neither I nor Oil + Bark are medical professionals. If you are injured, please seek the opinion and attention of a certified medical professional. The information on this website is not to be considered medical advice or replace the advice of a medical professional.


This is THE essential oil our family goes to for any cut or scrape. This stuff is AMAZING! Cistus has unique healing properties that work to slow the bleeding immediately and help the wound begin to heal more quickly.

We are a Young Living family and with three kiddos running around, learning to walk, climb and wrestle accidents are bountiful. Young Living has this awesome oil blend for kiddos called “Owie” and Cistus is one of the main oils within that blend.


Lavender essential oil is a jack-of-all-trades type of oil. You want this with you at all times as it provides emotional and immune support, but it is also fantastic for physical injuries. Lavender is great for deep cuts as it can provide antibacterial and antiviral properties help protect the wound against infections. As a bonus to using lavender is its unique healing properties where it supports the skin in reducing scars.

Tea Tree Oil

Most everyone recognizes this name “Tea Tree” and its benefits for the skin (most commonly used in lotions and shampoo). Those benefits although probably not fully realized come from the Tea Tree essential oil. This powerful oil, aside from its benefits to the skin, is a must-have as it is a natural disinfectant. Use Tea Tree as a first step when you have a minor cut or scrape to clean the area and help fight against infection. When using Tea Tree oil it is recommended you dilute the application with coconut oil. 

Don’t Go Cheap – Pure Essential Oils

If you are going to start using essential oils to help heal your body, then it’s time to start buying therapeutic-grade essential oils and from a highly reputable brand. I’m not talking about the Walmart pharmacy or Amazon no brand, your oils need to be from a long-standing reputable company. Not all essential oils are created equal and many companies use scrupulous practices to cut corners with additives or fillers. What is the best essential oil brand? Oil + Bark uses and recommends Young Living as they are the only brand we know that controls the entire process (seed, plant growth to ensure no pesticides, harvest, and distillery). 

Summary – How to Stop a Bleeding Cut

Whether you are an essential oil enthusiast or just getting started, our TOP 3 essential oils for cuts or scrapes are an excellent addition to your collection. If you are like me and love the feeling of being prepared for any event, then these oils are a MUST-HAVE for SHTF. Cistus to help stop bleeding, Lavender to reduce scarring and possible infections, and Tea Tree as a disinfectant.